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ANTEA: ANTEA Alliance of Independent Firms’ is an international association of independent firms specializing in auditing, consultancy and legal and tax advice.
ANTEA has members in 60 countries and more than 200 offices worldwide. The wide geographical coverage of our members satisfies the international needs of their clients.
ANTEA’s members, who are experts in national law, are highly qualified professionals in auditing, business consultancy and legal and tax consultancy, with renowned careers in international business. The keys to our success: proximity, direct attention, trust and transparency.
ANTEA, Alliance of Independent Firms, occupies privileged positions in the various rankings of the International Accounting Bulletin (IAB). The admission of new members is subject to strict requirements in order to ensure high quality standards.
ISSIFC is a member of ANTEA, thus benefiting from a wide network of professional contacts of the highest quality in legal, taxation, financial and consultancy matters in many countries.
ISSIFC annually holds several meetings with the different members, and at all times this relationship allows our clients to receive advice from the best professionals in the country in which we are working.
SECARTYS: Secartys is a national business organization created to provide services to the various business clusters that it brings together, such as:
Companies in electronics, information technology, telecommunications, audio and professional lighting, leisure, electronic entertainment, solar energy, home automation and building automation solutions, and smart cities.
The internationalization area, which provides various services to the partners, is one of the main areas of action of SECARTYS.
ISSIFC/AUREN is the firm responsible for the ‘Establishment Abroad Service’ that Secartys offers to its members.
ISSIFC collaborates with other organizations in holding seminars and conferences for its members, such as: